On This Day

Poetry – A Birthday Card in the form of a Poem and Poetic Essay

Keira Fulton-Lees
4 min readApr 24, 2019
A birhday card written with beautiful poetic prose, by Autistic Writer Keira Fulton-Lees . . .
-= Keira Fulton-Lees, As.D. =-
Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism
© 2019
Music by Keira on

||: … a Birthday Card For My Son

On This Day

On this day of April twenty-four, unto this world my son was born. And every day since then, my life began changing, each day then amazing, the joy of your raising, the tiny warm arms wrapped around me, gave life a true meaning, my life too reborn and forever transformed, feel I’m walking on water, and so blessed that your life I am a part of.

Just you being you, in all that you do, it’s so very true, that the best part of me in all that I do is the love that lives inside of you. I see it so clearly, that wherever you’re steering, I’ll always be cheering, for a bounty of life to be growing, your place of belonging, taking you and your dreams ever so farther

Though far away, so near to my heart you remain, ever always each day, ever still, ever will, and ever shall stay, brings me words on this day, to then simply say that I’m wishing you the happiest today, and for all the days that begin each tomorrow.

But for wings do I pray, for you to soar higher, to whatever you aspire, to fan the flames that kindle the fire, soar the happiness higher that you’ve so abundantly acquired. May it always be there, be it here or be there, or just anywhere, just know just that I care and that I’ll always be there. So special you are in so many ways, my reason to pray, that of a glorious day, not just for today, but as well for each day that follows.

Your life is growing, forever glowing, I’m just happy knowing, it keeps me going, for always I’m hoping, for rivers overflowing, and you steadily rowing towards wherever your dreams may be leading. With each day I grow ever prouder, it couldn’t be truer, each day somehow newer, no longer bluer, since day twenty-four of April that year, your world so near me, always endearing, knowing you’ve found your own way, on profoundly the best day of all days in each and all ways.

And one more thing, I simply must say, but surely not in a small way. I’ve too much to say, and to be sure that you hear, I’ll shout it out clear, from the top of a tower, with a blast of gunpowder, and this shall I say, in every which way:

Be Free. Have Fun, and Simply Just Play…

and be sure to have a darn Happy Birthday! :||

||: Of course, you know me — when I think of you, I think of my beloved glowing Moon. And speaking of the Moon, by extraordinary coincidence, I began writing this for you on April 16th, which was the very day that the Moon was at its closest approach (Perigee) to Earth for the month of April, 2019.

On that day, the Moon was 226,306 miles from both San Antonio, TX and Richmond, VA. Now, next year,m for the month of April 2020, the Perigee for April will be on April 7th, where the Moon will then be only 221,771 miles from San Antonio and Richmond, respectively.

The mathematical difference between the Perigee for April, 2019 and April 2020 results in the Moon’s Perigee to be 4535 miles closer to me (and to you) next year.

So, borrowing some ridiculous calculus from “The Journal of Irreproducible Results”, then factoring in the distance from Richmond to San Antonio to be approximately 1495 miles, next mixing in my own mysterious mathematically curious equation, and using the Moon as a common reference, equidistant in how far you and I both are from the Moon, the results will then mean that the Moon’s 2020 Perigee for April brings you 303.3444816053512% closer to me next year! That’s like you being right here, on three separate but simultaneous occasions!

Given the above math, it only seems logical that we move your birthday up to April 7th next year. It’s all just a matter of logistics and economics. On your actual birthday next year, the Moon will be much farther away. It would simply be too expensive — possibly having to pay an extra 300% more for gas. Then there’s the issue of travel time — it would be near light years in driving time that would surely make me quite late to arrive at your birthday party. Light years late is so not a state of fashionably late. But, I might arrive for your 2030 birthday , as long as I don’t make too many stops along the way… :-)

Love You ! :||

A birhday card written with beautiful poetic prose, by Autistic Writer Keira Fulton-Lees . . .
-= Keira Fulton-Lees, As.D. =-
Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism
© 2019
Music by Keira on



Keira Fulton-Lees

Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism, Writer, Editor, Artist, Musician, Owner of the Medium Publication: Artfully Autistic: https://medium.com/artfullyautistic