Great article!
In addition to the great information you provided, I would like to provide what is the single most important thing that an Autistic person can do to ensure an Autistic-friendly environment within their workplace, which is too often overlooked and underused.
In the United States, any employer with 15 employees or more is required by Law to provide Reasonable Accommodation to Autistic employees within the workplace virtue of the "Americans with Disabilities Act" (ADA) which is enforced by the EEOC and Department of Labor.
I cannot say this enough:
The ADA is the most fundamental law protecting the civil rights of people with all types of disabilities, including those with Autism. The ADA provides civil rights protections to people with autism similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with autism in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications.
Employers are required by ADA Law to provide Autistic employees with what is referred to as Reasonable Accommodation (RA). The "only" exception that would allow an employer to deny a request for RA is in the event that the Accommodation would cause the company "undue hardship."
With that said, ADA Law intentionally set the bar very, very high for what qualifies as "undue hardship." Companies rarely get away with denying Reasonable Accommodation.
In addition, it is a violation of ADA law for an employer to retaliate against an employee requesting RA.
As well, it is a violation of ADA law for other employees to view an employee who is granted RA request as receiving any form of "special treatment."
There is no special form or procedure anyone who qualifies for RA must go through in order to request and receive RA. An RA Request does not have to be in writing, however it would benefit you if it did
Often companies will try to force employees requesting RA to fill out company RA forms. ADA Law DOES NOT require any employee to fill out any particular companies own forms in order to request RA.
In fact, avoid them at all costs. NEVER fill out a company designed RA Request form. Companies will often try to skirt around ADA Law by including verbiage in their RA that attempt to limit or exclude you from being granted Reasonable Accommodation, so again NEVER use company forms.
ADA law does not require anyone who is requesting RA to complete any particular companies own forms, or even follow any particular company specific procedure at all.
Believe me, I have requested RA and been granted RA on numerous occasions. I have done this even within the court system. I had a Court Date set when I filed charges against someone who vandalized my property. I knew that there was no way I would be able to appear in an open Courtroom without having a major Meltdown. I did my research and found out that through ADA Law that I could request a remote hearing.
The Court System tried to push their RA forms and procedures upon me and I pushed right back at them with ADA Law. In the end, they had no choice but to relent. I was on the right side of the Law and the Court System was not!
I was granted a remote hearing. I did not have to appear in court at all "because I requested Reasonable Accommodation, which was granted. So, you can see that even a Court Hearing is NOT undue hardship.
Believe me people, take advantage of this. I have used Reasonable Accommodation for my Autism in Housing as well. ADA Law was created just for people like us.
Use the Law. It was made for us!
Examples of Reasonable Accommodation that "must" be provided to Autistic employees (If requested) include, but are not limited to the following:
Providing noise-reducing headphones if noise sensitivity is an issue.
Allowing an Autistic employee to move their desk to a less noisy area
Turning off or dimming overhead lights if light sensitivity is an issue.
Converting fluorescent lighting fixtures to more Autistic-friendly lighting
Avoiding eye contact if this makes the person with autism uncomfortable.
Respecting personal space and using verbal praise to show kindness, instead of touch.
Holding one-to-one meetings with the person to reduce social clutter and distraction.
Allowing the individual to follow their own regimented schedule to reduce their anxiety.
Providing information about changes in tasks or the workplace well in advance.
Providing places of solitude.
In general, practically "any" Accommodation that an Autistic person would need in the workplace would NOT be considered undue hardship, and would be granted without retaliation.
Thank you for your Words…
Keira Fulton-Lees
Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism
Owner of the Medium Publication:
Artfully Autistic and Neurodiverse Writers